While working people struggle to afford their bills, get hurt working in warehouses, and face retaliation for speaking out, rich execs are making billions.
That’s why working people across the country are voting in this election – because we need better laws to make sure corporations treat people with respect: fair wages, health care, protections from retaliation, and time off.
Trump is only about himself, and giving his rich friends mega tax breaks.
Stand up for the working class, and vote for Kamala Harris!
Experts have found that Vice President Harris’ New Way Forward is better for Americans and our economy than Trump’s “concept of a plan” – and it’s easy to see why.
If elected, Vice President Harris and Governor Walz will:
- Cut Taxes for Working People
Vice President Harris and Governor Walz will cut taxes for 100 million Americans. And, unlike Donald Trump, whose Project 2025 agenda would raise taxes on the middle class, Vice President Harris and Governor Walz will make sure no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in taxes.
They will restore the expanded Child Tax Credit – originally passed with Vice President Harris’s tie-breaking vote before its extension was blocked by Republican opposition in Congress – to up to $3,600 to help more than 100 million Americans. This crucial tax credit will once again help parents pay their mortgage or rent, buy food, and purchase basics for their kids, like books, diapers, clothes, and toys.
Vice President Harris and Governor Walz don’t just want to make this tax credit the permanent law of the land – their plan includes a historic expansion, providing $6,000 in tax relief for middle-income and low-income families for the first year of their child’s life.
- Lower Food and Grocery Costs
Too many of us are struggling to meet rising grocery costs, and keep our families fed – but that will change if Vice President Harris is elected.
She has a plan to expand production and create broad-based supply chains, while cracking down on unfair mergers and acquisitions that give big food corporations the power to jack up food and grocery prices. She’ll instruct her administration to investigate and prosecute price-fixing – where companies illegally collude to set up prices. She will support giving small businesses, grocers, and growers the resources to compete, reinjecting competition back into our food markets and lowering costs for Americans.
And if elected, Vice President Harris will call on Congress to pass the first-ever federal ban on price gouging. The bill will set rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers during times of crisis to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.
- Lower Health Care & Prescription Drug Costs
While Trump wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act and strip millions of Americans of their health care coverage, Vice President Harris and Governor Walz believe that affordable health care is a right, not a privilege.
The Affordable Care Act – which Trump attempted to repeal while in office – has changed the face of American healthcare.
Vice President Harris will expand and make permanent the tax credit enhancements for Affordable Care Act marketplace plans, and finalize even more health care tax savings for working and middle-class families. She will crack down on pricing by increasing competition and demanding transparency in the healthcare industry, while working to relieve medical debt for Americans and help create plans to prevent debt accumulation in the future.
And while Trump’s Project 2025 agenda calls for repealing the Inflation Reduction Act, including the key provisions that lower seniors’ prescription drug costs, Vice President Harris will extend the $35 cap on insulin and $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket costs to all Americans, not just seniors. She will accelerate the speed of Medicare prescription drug negotiations to cut the cost of some of the most expensive and most commonly used drugs. And Vice President Harris will crack down on pharmaceutical companies that block competition and raise costs for consumers.
- Help Americans Buy a Home and Afford Rent
Under Donald Trump’s administration, there was a shortfall of nearly 3 million affordable homes that has pushed up prices and made it harder for Americans to buy their first homes.
Vice President Harris will expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to add more than 1.2 million affordable new homes to the rental market, lowering rent prices. She will create a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit, which would support the new construction or rehabilitation of over 400,000 owner-occupied homes in lower income communities.
Vice President Harris is proposing the first-ever tax cut specifically targeted at encouraging builders to produce affordable homes for first-time homebuyers by providing significant tax relief for those who build homes sold to working families.
She will take on abusive corporate landlords, cracking down on companies that contribute to surging rent prices through unfair, illegal practices, and will remove key tax benefits for major investors that acquire tons of single-family rental homes, taking on Wall Street’s contribution to the housing crisis.
And with more than two-thirds of renters identifying saving enough for a down-payment as a barrier to buying a home, Vice President Harris will provide working families who have paid their rent on time for two years and are buying their first home up to $25,000 in down-payment assistance, with more generous support for those whose parents did not own a home. This will pave the way for millions of renters to finally be able to afford to buy their own homes for the very first time.
Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are charting a New Way Forward—to a future where everyone has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.
Vote for Kamala Harris on or before November 5th, and sign up to join our get out the vote efforts today!
Paid for by Working Families Party PAC ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.