Whether we live in a city or rural area, we all deserve respect and dignity at work – and we have built a movement and community of support to help each other solve problems to immediate challenges we face at our jobs. We use the power of social media to reach hundreds of thousands of working people across thousands of workplaces to win the changes we need. We run campaigns to advocate for better public policy and corporate practices to address the structural causes of insecurity in our lives. We are coming together to raise the minimum wage and win a fair workweek, paid family leave, paid sick time, overtime pay, equal pay, and workplaces free from sexual harassment.

OUR Walmart Campaign

Winning good jobs at Walmart, the country’s largest private employer, is the gateway to changing the service economy as a whole. Our families are a united voice calling on Walmart executives and the Walton heirs for change. Thousands of Walmart associates are taking action in our stores, in our communities, and at the ballot box.

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Amazon Campaign

We are Amazon associates from across the country who are rising up to call for our safety, dignity, and humanity to come first in our Fulfillment Centers.

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Wall Street Accountability Campaign

There is a job crisis in retail that is being driven by Wall Street greed. Hundreds of thousands of people working in retail have had our jobs destroyed by billionaires who place profit over our families. We’re fighting back to push for severance pay, corporate board representation, and new laws to protect working people and our families.

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Toys ‘R’ Us Campaign

In the midst of the Toys ‘R’ Us bankruptcy, we launched a nationwide to call for the $75 million in severance pay that had been promised to employees. This fierce campaign has had a lasting impact for hundreds of thousands of people working at other retailers going through bankruptcy and liquidation – as we fight to make sure working people have a voice in what happens at these companies.

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Sears Campaign

Sears was once our country’s largest retail company, but billionaire Eddie Lampert has closed down thousands of stores, destroyed more hundreds of thousands of jobs, and many of our families into financial ruin. We’re fighting back.

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Fair Workweek Initiative

Working people across industries and employers are coming together to make sure that we have hours we can count on to care for our families. We all need a workweek we can count on – one that allows all of us to care for our families, stay healthy, and get ahead.

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