Welcome to United for Respect's Swag Shop!

Your purchase will help us take action against the most powerful corporations to build an economy that works for all of our families – our vision is a world with fair pay, a fair workweek, and respect at work.

Tax the Rich
Tax the Rich

Jeff Bezos and more have all had years where they’ve paid ZERO in federal income taxes. Our country deserves better!


You blame capitalism? We do too! That's why we fight for an economy that treats working people with dignity and respect!


Yea, we feel the same. Amazon puts workers in unsafe work conditions, with insufficient breaks and no living wage.


Walmart sucks. We agree. That's why we continue to organize alongside workers for dignity and respect.

Wall Street
Wall Street

We're organizing for an economy that works for all of us, not just Wall Street and the wealthy.


We don't just organize in stores and warehouses, we also fight in legislation and electoral campaigns.