
Are you are having issues at work? You may have heard of United for Respect and want to know more about who we are, what we’re doing to fight back and what you and/or your co-workers can do to advocate for the changes you deserve. Join this orientation to learn about the organization’s history, who we are, why we’re here, and how you fit into the fight to win livable wages, better policies, and respect!

Know Your Rights

Knowledge is power! And understanding your workplace rights and labor laws can help you before and after you are on the job. There are 3 basic rights for work – Right to Know, Right to Participate and the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work. Join us to dive deep into each of these basic rights and find out how they apply to your workplace! 

Organizing Conversations

Making meaningful change in your community isn’t easy, and it’s often difficult to know where to start. In this training you’ll learn fundamental techniques that form the core of an effective One to One meeting. It’s designed for those who are eager to get started organizing, and serves as a great refresher for those already politically active!