October 15, 2020

Marc Leder
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Rodger Krouse
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Sun Capital Partners, Inc.
5200 Town Center Circle, 4th Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33486

Dear Mr. Leder and Mr. Krouse, 

We are among the approximately 2,700 former employees of Shopko who are excluded from today’s announced severance settlement.  We are writing to call on Sun Capital to provide a similar severance payment to everyone who was excluded (those of us who were part of the “phase seven liquidation process” and who worked at the corporate office). 

As you know, when Sun Capital bought Shopko, Sun loaded the company with $1 billion in debt. Sun then sold 178 Shopko properties for $815 million in a sale-leaseback that created an additional financial burden on our stores. As our company struggled under overwhelming debt, Sun Capital extracted millions in dividends and fees – profiting while forcing Shopko to take on additional liability. 

When Shopko filed for bankruptcy, 14,000 jobs were destroyed. Fortunately, some of our coworkers were able to get justice through the court in the form of a settlement that you were a part of, and the severance that they were promised is now finally being granted to them. 

Unfortunately, phase seven workers, who were part of the last group of employees to work at Shopko through the liquidation process, were not part of this settlement and as it stands, we won’t be receiving anything. As you know, Shopko had a severance policy in place for years prior to the bankruptcy.  We were counting on that severance to support us in the event we were laid off.  But that severance policy was terminated shortly before Shopko announced it was liquidating. 

Sun Capital has a history of driving firms into bankruptcy, including The Limited, Marsh, and Gordmans.  While we cannot change the past, we can ensure that everyone at Shopko who loyally dedicated themselves to Shoko’s success are not abandoned.  In the past, other private equity companies like KKR and Bain Capital, two of Toys “R” Us’ former owners, contributed $20 million to a hardship fund for fired Toys “R” Us employees. Sun Capital should do no less. 

We are calling on Sun Capital to ensure that every Shopko employee in phase seven and who worked at corporate receives a severance payment.  We worked hard to make Shopko a beloved brand.  Sun Capital should show us the respect we have earned.


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